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Recommendations and Comments for other travellers

Glossop to

...and back

Weeks 73 to 78 (continued)

The Turkish side of the border has a new Customs hall. It was being constructed 18 months ago when I first visited, yet it remains unfinished.

The layout of the building itself is total unsuited to a Customs/border post. It's as if somebody mixed up the drawings for those of an abattoir, has just realised the mistake, and is now thinking how to reverse from the situation.

Turkey is one of those countries where the population is born cheerful. Yes, some of it inevitably wears from some souls through the passage of the years, but you still have faces of all ages waving at you from across fields as you pass by. Farmers in their best Sunday wellies, waving and grinning sincerely from ear to ear.

Here's a challenge for you. Next time you have some free time, jump in your car and nip over to Turkey. Then call into a petrol station and try to leave WITHOUT having had at least one glass of tea. Shuffling playing cards while wearing boxing gloves is easier.

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Only one more thing to note about Turkey. Last time I was here, it was in the days before the two Istanbul bombs. This time around, there was a much larger military presence, and many more road blocks. Yet in the typical Turkish manner, everybody was laid back about the whole affair. Do I really have to leave this place and bother with Greece?

Greece. If I was to be given an EU grant to develop the Gigglometer (laughter-measuring machine), I'd calibrate the lower end (the grump zone) using the Greek's scowling outlook on life.

Some of the the Fairy Chimneys at Cappadocia. Volcanic cones of tuff strata, hollowed out to form dwellings in ancient times.