Leaving Kolkata, Bangladesh was to be the next destination. To try to find a ship travelling south to Singapore.
The border crossing was one to behold. Guidance rule # 384 (border crossings), states that borders should ideally be crossed during daylight hours. Thinking that the 80km journey from Kolkata to the Bangladesh border could be completed in sufficient time to allow compliance with this rule, I set off just before noon.
Silly me. Who had just completed 1400km of Indian roads? What had I recommended to others? And so where was the sun when I reached the border? Guidance rule #384, appendix XIV (border crossings, Bangladesh) therefore came into effect, which advises “If crossing after dark, take your own candle.” More on this in the border crossings section.
Between the border and Dhaka, the Ganges river had to be crossed. Time for a ferry.